Founded in 1990, Axiomtek is one of the major design and manufacturing companies in the Industrial Computer & Embedded field. Since our establishment, Axiomtek has successfully gained worldwide recognition for our innovative designs and outstanding customer satisfaction.

供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Acessórios de Módulos
描述: Acessórios de Módulos DSB500-860 Wallmount (RC)
Categoriadeproduto: AcessóriosdeMódulos Fabricante: Axiomtek Marca: Axiomtek Quantidadedopacotedefábrica: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers 12.1" IP66 & IP69K Touch Panel Computer w/Intel Core i5-4300U onboard XGA 800 nits LCD resitive touch water-proof power cable (1.8M) RF housing model the price is without wireless(3G or wifi) module please use assembly form to pre-in
ProductCategory: EmbeddedBoxComputers Manufacturer: Axiomtek ProcessorBrand: Intel ProcessorType: IntelCorei5-4300U Chipsets: SoCIntegrated Frequency: 1.9GHz MemorySize: 8GB OperatingSupplyVoltage: 9Vto36V MaximumOperatingTemperature: +50C Dimensions: 318mmx248.5mmx75.3mm Brand: Axiomtek MemoryType: DDR3L-1600 MinimumOperatingTemperature: -20C Series: GOT812H-880 FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E22B812122
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Inbouwcomputers
描述: Inbouwcomputers Fanless Marine Grade embedded system i3-3217UE 1.6GHz processor 4GB DRAM USB*4 VGA+DVI-D Giga RJ-45 LAN*4 COM*3 CAN*1 DIO 14 to 32VDC
Productcategorie: Inbouwcomputers Fabrikant: Axiomtek Merk: Axiomtek Verpakkingshoeveelheidaffabriekszzzzyduyavbzbtbbszruwfs: 1 Onderdeelnr.Aliassen: E26N330100
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Display Modules
描述: Display Modules Panel Mount 17" 350nit TFT LCD Monitor With Resistive Type of Touch Screen (USB interface)
ProductCategory: DisplayModules Manufacturer: Axiomtek Brand: Axiomtek FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E226173142
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadoras integradas
描述: Computadoras integradas FANLESS SYS INTEL ATOM D525 PCI & PCIe
Categoríadeproducto: Computadorasintegradas Fabricante: Axiomtek Marcadelprocesador: Intel Tipodeprocesador: IntelAtomD525 Conjuntosdechips: HM65 Frecuencia: 2.5GHz Tamañodememoria: 8GB Tipodeinterfaz: RS-232,RS-422,RS-485,USB Voltajedealimentaciónoperativo: 10Vto30V Temperaturadetrabajomáxima: +55C Dimensiones: 248mmx182mmx185mm Marca: Axiomtek Descripción/Función: 2-slotPCIeandPCIfanlesssystemwithDC-inandACDCpoweradapterandUSpowercord Tipodememoria: DDR3 Temperaturadetrabajomínima: 0C Consumodeenergía: 150W Seriedeprocesadores: IntelAtomD400/D500 Serie: IPC922 Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: E26G922100IPC922-212-FL-AC-D525-HAB103
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Mounting Hardware
描述: Mounting Hardware eBOX550 Wall Mount Kit SFP
ProductCategory: MountingHardware Manufacturer: Axiomtek Brand: Axiomtek FactoryPackQuantity: 1
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Cuerpo de Refrigeración
描述: Cuerpo de Refrigeración
Categoríadeproducto: CuerpodeRefrigeración Fabricante: Axiomtek Marca: Axiomtek Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: E39J004100
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Embedded Box Computers
描述: Embedded Box Computers 8.4" Fanless Touch Panel Computer
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Computadoras de placa simple
描述: Computadoras de placa simple
Categoríadeproducto: Computadorasdeplacasimple Fabricante: Axiomtek Marca: Axiomtek Cantidaddeempaquedefábrica: 1 Aliasdelaspiezasn.º: E38E801101
供应商: Mouser Electronics
分类: Interface Modules
描述: Interface Modules
ProductCategory: InterfaceModules Manufacturer: Axiomtek Brand: Axiomtek FactoryPackQuantity: 1 Part#Aliases: E39B208100